Friday, November 6, 2009

Takes on F.F. Challenge at ACB

Keep on watching this post, as the week progresses I  will be adding new LOs!  These little challenges will help me, I will be making a lot of premade LOs for a Christmas Craft Fair in December!  Please keep in mind that to post a LO for the ACB Freaky Friday Challenge your LO has to have pics! 

Here is my 1st LO for the challenge...

What I have been doin' ....

Well I have been pretty busy around the house today!  Got all most all the laundry done, dishes are finished and now I get to play!!!   I am going to work on the Freaky Friday Challenge at ACB.  I have chosen to use some leftovers that are from "Wisteria" paper line!  I have been working on some premade LOs for the Craft Fair that is coming up in our little town!

Halloween Crop

I was very happy with my Halloween Crop!  There was a total 8 gals that came!

I did a LO class and we made Coffin Candy Holders!   I want to thank the girls and their kidos!

The little guy below was even in to it!   He was havin' so much fun!   I will be honest, I only got four cards made this crop!  LOL!!

Freaky Friday Challenge at ACB

Thanksgiving means left overs and the same thing is true with scrapbooking!! I have tons of left overs... So create a LO using your "scraps"!!!
Post in gallery at ACB and link back here by next Thursday. Have fun and use up those scraps!!

In Progress...

Please bear with me...I had to start all over on my blog!