Friday, May 28, 2010

A Long Day At Work....Updated!

and I am not done yet!   Lordy, Lordy, Lordy I am so tired...been working on my scraproom for 5 hours!   And still I am not done!   Got a few more things to get in the scraproom!  I just can not wait to scrap for myself...let alone havin' my August Crop!  I got alot of stuff put away...but ya never know us scrapper flexibility should be in our name!

This is my ds and I, he help me out some today with the scraproom but it it summer time/no school he really wanted to just play!  Anyhow he wanted to take a ma and son pic for my blog!  LOL!   He is such a silly head away!   Then again so am I!   LOL!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We Are Moving...

to a school!    Yes to live in!   We have been looking for a house/building for a very long time now!   And we found it!   Third week of April all paper work, getting bills put in our name and so on was done!   I finally got to move my scrappy stuff to the new school house! 
And believe me this pic is only a fourth of my stuff....I had been putting stuff away for two hours already!   LOL!   My dear son got the camera out and took some pics while I was working!   (To be honest I really did not know that I had so much pack into 13 creates, and 4 boxes!  I think I really do have a problem!)
And I finally used my webcam for the first time!   This is a pic of me after working all day...figuring out where I need/want to put things!   After a while putting stuff away I found so many stash goodies that I forgot that I had (I wanted to start scrapbooking)!    With all of the scrappy stuff and paper kits galore!  I will be having a Give A Way!  Please make sure you keep watching for more info!  And updates on how things are moving along!    

Thursday, May 6, 2010

August Crop,,,

so here goes I was wondering if anyone would want to come to Bison Kansas for a crop? We have just purchased the elementary school! Got a great start on my scrapbooking room! Needless to say I have a classroom for my scrapping room! Got room for 15 scrappers! I am looking at the second week in August! Please email me for more info/reservation! And keeping on watching this blog for sneak peaks!