Thursday, May 27, 2010

We Are Moving...

to a school!    Yes to live in!   We have been looking for a house/building for a very long time now!   And we found it!   Third week of April all paper work, getting bills put in our name and so on was done!   I finally got to move my scrappy stuff to the new school house! 
And believe me this pic is only a fourth of my stuff....I had been putting stuff away for two hours already!   LOL!   My dear son got the camera out and took some pics while I was working!   (To be honest I really did not know that I had so much pack into 13 creates, and 4 boxes!  I think I really do have a problem!)
And I finally used my webcam for the first time!   This is a pic of me after working all day...figuring out where I need/want to put things!   After a while putting stuff away I found so many stash goodies that I forgot that I had (I wanted to start scrapbooking)!    With all of the scrappy stuff and paper kits galore!  I will be having a Give A Way!  Please make sure you keep watching for more info!  And updates on how things are moving along!    

1 comment:

  1. So looking forward to your pictures of your school house! Congrats! Your room is awesome!
